Norway – this is as if the Alps would abut directly
on the North Sea. Sometimes feel like driving
through a pristine Nordic wilderness and in the
next moment you are already on the coast.
With over 100,000 kilometers, the country has the second longest coastline in the world and can be divided into the regions of Southern Norway, Eastern Norway, Western Norway (Fjord Norway), Mid-Norway and Northern Norway. West, Mid- and North Norway in particular attract with first-class diving conditions. In addition, the reefs, islands and skerries, the fjords, the open coast and sheltered bays provide plenty of variety, above and below the surface.
The steeply sloping fjords are often hundreds of meters deep and home to bizarre sea creatures. We regularly visit some of the most extraordinary dive sites on our deep sea and black water expeditions. Here we come close to many small and large species that can otherwise only be found in depths that are inaccessible to divers around the world – while we usually see them in only 10 to 30 meters water depth in certain fjords with special water conditions.
The seasons in Scandinavia also offer a lot of contrast. In summer the sun does not set at night, while in winter it does not make it over the horizon for weeks or months and it is in this dark time to experience the enchanting lightshow of the amazing Aurora borealis in the sky.
But even now the ocean is full of life. Probably the greatest natural spectacle is the migration of the herrings, which moves into the northern Norwegian fjords to stay here for a few weeks from November on. They are followed by up to a thousand orcas and often hundreds of humpbacks and other baleen whales. An unforgettable and often almost up-close experience!
In addition to the two seasons of extremes – summer and winter – the short and intense autumn also has its charm. Birch forests turn golden and hills and plateaus turn red. Warm hours of sunshine and night frost are sharing days with each other.
Moose with mighty shovels, majestic sea eagles and all kinds of sea creatures can now be observed on our “Highlights Tour”.
And while we have extensive knowledge after many years of exploring and active search for the best dive sites, we experience on each and every tour and expedition that there still is so much more to discover.
A seemingly never-ending journey of discovery with ever new possibilities. We love it!